I really enjoyed our class visit to the Harold Washington Chicago Library. To be honest about this I was a little scared to take this class. I really have no interest in libraries. I feel like I am only in them when I am required to use them. I am pretty much the type that gets all my information from the World Wide Web. I took this class though because I want to get away from strictly using the net to research. I wanted to learn of all the options I had available to me if I use the library resources. We have only been on a few visits but I feel so much comfortable about hitting the actual printed material next time I do some research. I did really enjoy our visit to the Harold Washington Chicago Library but I don't think it will be my first choice when I want to do some work. It was a little too professional to me. By this I mean it was way to quite and extremely large. I feel more comfortable I the more informal environments like college libraries and small town libraries. In my experiences people that work there are there for the people and not for the paycheck.
That picture you got is really pretty! I still don't get how we're both supposed to create the blog? lol so I guess we'll figure it out on tuesday. Hope you had a good weekend!
I think that the Chicago Public library is an incredible resource, if you know what you are looking for. It is so huge and daunting, I can easily see how someone would be deturred as a potention patron after the initial impression. But, following the excellent tour that we had, I feel much much more comfortable about using the chicago public library.
I totally agree with you! I never spent much time in libraries before either...at least, no more than I had to. However, I'm learning a lot about library systems and I also feel more comfortable using libraries as a resource now that I understand how things are generally organized.
I think that the Chicago Public Library was amazing. I never pictured a library to be like that. There were so many different things that took place in the library from weddings to practicing instruments. It seems like there is something for everyone in this library. The library provides service to the community other than its own resources. An example of this is the popular internet access and the tapes for the blind. Learning that they provided this service was one of my favorite parts of the library. The only thing that I did not like about the library is that a lot of the floors looked exactly the same. The first few floors and the top floor were areas that really interested me.
9 floors.. thats a lot of library, but at the same time is an incredible amount of resources that anyone can use. I was in awe of how much there actually was in one building. I also dont think that the building had a comfortable environment. It seems like a place where I could go, get what I needed to get done finished and then leave, no a place where I could simply go to relax with a good book.
The library doesn't really give off that warm fuzzy quality, does it? Although I really liked the theme in the children's section, 'Read fot the halibet!'. I don't think I would venture to this library unless I had something specific to be researching and even then I'd be a little scared about not knowing what I was doing. I go to my public library a lot and I'm used to public libraries not being so intimidating.
If you like reading in a stone-walled mausoleum than the CPL is your place to be. I like my libraries to be inviting and comfortable; something I believe the Harold Washington Library is not. I'll grab my books and materials from the CPL and head straight across the street to the Panera.
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